24 October 2007


So, we finally got a costume for Chase. He's gonna be sooooo cute! Here are a few pics that I took:


Ok, here are some Chasey pics. Enjoy!

20 October 2007


I've been way bad at updating. OOOPS! :P So, the new Whole Foods Market on Ray and the 101 is opening on October 26, 2007! I finally have a "home"! Everyone who is able should stop by. It's going to be fabulous.
Chase Update:
He's getting ginormous! He has 6 teeth now, and he loves to bite. I need to get some more pics on here, but it'll have to be another time. Just thought that I would update.

Oh yeah.............


09 October 2007


It's been awhile since my last update. Here goes. Chase is getting bigger everyday, and I have to chase him around, which in turn, had slowed down my photo taking. He has 5 teeth! Plus his pedi said that his molars are coming in! YIKES!!!!!!! I don't know what I'm going to dress him up as for halloween, but I'll think of something. I am also training again. It's pretty boring, but whatever. At least I'm getting paid. :P That's it for now. Hopefully I'll be able to post again with more pics. NIGHT!

01 October 2007

Our Little Friend

This evening, while Ian was cleaning out his car, he found a praying mantis! I had never seen one before, and I wanted to see how close my camera could take a picture while still maintaining good quality. This is the finished product: