09 September 2010


Chase loves trains. Actually, he loves anything that goes, but trains are one of his favorites.
Since her big brother likes trains, so does Roxy.
Some mornings and afternoons are spent putting tracks together and sending the trains down.
Lately, though, Chase has gotten more elaborate with his train track creations.
He puts lego-esque blocks underneath the tracks and connects those to a covered bridge and creates a slide out of the tracks.
Then they send the train (in this case, it's Percy) down the tracks, through the bridge and down to the end.

Not only does Chase enjoy playing with the trains, but Roxy has a ball, too.

I love when my kids get along.


Noodles said...

are those the plastic tracks? I may have a gift for him

The Dunmires said...

Yep they are the grey plastic Thomas & Friends tracks. :)

The Hunt Family said...

LOVE the pictures...love you and your offspring. Please come over...we have trains here too

Anonymous said...

Very creative!!!

we are a train lovin' family too.